If you're running a small business, there isn't a set rule about what kind of resources you have to utilise, but it is highly recommended that you set yourself up with essential tech resources to maximise your business's productivity and accessibility.

A Modern, Good Looking Website
Top Tech Resources Every Small Business Needs
If you want more people to find out about your services, you're best off making a website. Online traffic far exceeds traffic from reading magazines, word of mouth and through physical interaction. Make sure your website has all the relevant contact details, as well as a clear description of what you do as a business, so you can begin to sell and take payments online.
We suggest using Wix or Squarespace, and depending on your plans, you can either have a free website, or a paid for website on a monthly subscription, where you can have a custom URL link, you can place ads, and enable card payments through your site.

A Dedicated CRM Tool
Top Tech Resources Every Small Business Needs
The problem a lot of small businesses face is not having a proper customer relationship management tool, these are very useful in tracking your customer's behaviour, as well as generating new leads and carrying out marketing campaigns and segmentation between different customers in your database.
A CRM tool enables you to digitally store customer information and trends to the cloud, so you don't lose important data you might need for future marketing campaigns. A good couple of CRM tools on the market include Zendesk, Salesforce & Mailchimp.

Remote Storage/Remote Desktops
Top Tech Resources Every Small Business Needs
Why are you stacking papers and contracts in drawers? You should be storing everything in the cloud, via remote (cloud) desktops, and dedicated cloud storage solutions. Your business data is much more secure in remote data centres compared to the office, so we recommend you set yourself and your staff up with a dedicated cloud desktop service, so you can easily share
files between members of the organisation quickly and securely.
We recommend trying cloud desktop solutions such as Citrix or AWS (Amazon web services), if you only need collaborative and storage solutions, consider Office 365, and the Microsoft Teams package that you can set up for others in your organisation.

Active Social Media Accounts
Top Tech Resources Every Small Business Needs
A lot of small businesses these days have websites that look great, but they don't back them up with active social media pages. Consider Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, even YouTube. If you optimise these free social media platforms, you'll get a bigger following. They are better for instant collaboration with your customers, and can allow you to share content in a more direct and informal manner, as opposed to through blogs or a website landing page.
Thank you for reading 'Top Tech Resources Every Small Business Needs 2020 ' by IT Block. IT Block is an IT support and services provider based in SIngapore and we love to share our IT knowledge and expertise with the online community.
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